Situation comedy primarily relies on the confrontation of more or less ordinary characters with an extraordinary situation, which comically reveals their true selves to themselves and others (especially by showcasing their shortcomings, hypocrisy, cowardice, and, more generally, their flaws). While in character comedy, it is the clash of highly contrasting characters that primarily serves as the comedic catalyst, in situation comedy, it is an unprecedented event or configuration that leads to the clash of each character’s traits against an adverse fate.
On the eve of Christmas, the unexpected return of a grandfather thought to be dead disrupts the routine of an ostensibly ordinary family. A zany and dark comedy about family ties. Go straight to hell... or draw a lucky card. 2 men - 2 women
A CEO invites a minister to dinner with the aim of getting him to sign a large contract, and hires an escort to help seal the deal. But the escort in question is filling in for a friend who led her to believe it was just a well-paid catering job. She expects to be handing out appetizers, only to find out she’s on the menu. Naturally, nothing will go according to plan …
Alex and Emma are about to sell their house to some friends before heading abroad to start a new life. However, just after the sales agreement is signed, they discover a hitch – a significant one that could jeopardise the transaction.
Alice and Luke have been waiting for years to adopt a baby. Finally, the big day has arrived. The social worker from the Child Welfare agency is expected any minute for a final visit to assess the stability of their relationship, their motivation to adopt, and the child’s future living conditions. But disaster strikes as Alex isn’t home which risks jeopardising everything. Fred must find a way to handle this delicate situation, made worse by a sudden plumbing emergency. Unless the arrival of the plumber provides part of the solution …
Involuntary adultery can easily lead to involuntary manslaughter, but getting rid of the body of evidence is a whole different matter…
You all know that famous website facilitating the reunion with long-lost schoolmates... Unfortunately, nostalgia nights can also turn into nightmares. Having invited over to his place two of his "best buddies" from high school whom he hasn't seen since graduation, a friendly loser triggers their unexpected reunion with a girl who has some unresolved issues with them...
Seeking to escape the stress of Parisian life, Adam and Eve moved to an old farmhouse where they set up a bed and breakfast, to break the isolation and make ends meet. But their first couple of guests arrive, and they will soon discover that in this little corner of paradise, hell is other people…
The season begins poorly for Robert and Fanny, who have just opened a hotel called "The Flamingos" in the French village of Saintes Maries de la Mer. A strike causes a fuel shortage, leading to numerous cancellations. To save their hotel from bankruptcy, they must persuade the few stranded travellers to extend their stay and attract new guests. Luckily, the Camargue and its residents have plenty of charm, and the receptionist has a few tricks up her sleeve. This comedy is an irreverent homage to the this mythical French region: the Camargue.
When two candidates in a local by-election cremate their spouses on election day, conditions are rife for spoiled ballots and stray bullets. Especially when the funeral director’s newly hired temp has a mind of her own… English translation: Anne-Christine Gasc
Raymond is in a deep coma following an accident on a Boris Bike. His long lost relatives are called to his bedside to decide what to do and avoid prolonged therapeutic interventions. But this collective decision becomes even more difficult when the patient turns out not to be who everyone thought he was. And is the keeper of a secret that could make everyone very rich…
A well-known film director and an ambitious actress happen to meet on the Eurostar, seated opposite each other. Both are headed to London for an audition. She is willing to do anything to land the role that will make her a star. He is drawn to her charm but is unsure about taking it further... Suddenly, the train stops in the middle of the Channel Tunnel. The breakdown trick? But in this game of trickery, he is not who she thinks he is. Nor is she who he thought she was...
Jack has organized a small gathering to honour the ashes of his recently departed grandfather. However, due to a mistake by the Funeral Services, his own name appears on the obituary...
Four passengers who have nothing in common are participating in a tourist trip in space. The cohabitation is going more or less smoothly until the control tower announces to them that due to an oxygen leak, they will have to be evacuated urgently. The problem is: there won’t be enough air for everyone. One of them must sacrifice themselves, otherwise they will all perish. They have one hour to find the one who will show « The Right Stuff ».
After being dumped once again, Fred swore to his best friend that no girl would sleep over at his place until the end of the year. A few months later, he is on the verge of winning his bet and the hefty cheque that came with it. But on the eve of Christmas, one is never safe from a surprise gift...
John and Christine have invited two of their friends for dinner at their home in London. Natalie arrives without her husband, distraught, having just heard that the plane bringing him home crashed at sea. Together with the potential widow, they wait with bated breath for news confirming whether her husband is among the survivors... and learn that they are the winners of that evening's super jackpot lottery draw. From that moment, the operative phrase becomes “controlling emotions”. And that is just the beginning of an eventful evening, filled with twists, turns, and shocking revelations.
On a plane, the director of a sensationalist magazine coincidentally meets an embalmer, who claims to have a bombshell news, making her dream of a record-braking circulation. Things get complicated because this encounter takes place on a Paris-Tokyo flight: twelve hours in confinement with no way to communicate with the outside world. Holding a scoop but being unable to publish it... A true Japanese torture!
Desperate to regain some of her family’s lost prestige, Baroness Swindlemore von Hustlestein is in search of a rich and easily pleased suitor for her daughter, who isn’t much to look at. She thinks she has found the perfect candidate…
One marriage out of two ends in divorce… That night, Steven has to tell his in-laws, who idealise him, that he is getting divorced from their daughter, whom he cheated on. It is at that moment that Mabel’s parents announce to the couple that they are giving them their house in Kensington to raise their future children. How to reignite the flame without appearing simply interested in real estate?
After inviting the fiancé's parents over to get acquainted and plan the wedding, they soon realize that the parents of the perfect son-in-law don't always make for perfect in-laws…
A journalist visits a playwright on the down and out for an interview that could launch his comeback. But in the world of theatre, appearances can be deceiving…
In a small bookstore, a book signing event is being prepared. Charles has finally decided to publish his first novel. Everything suggests that it won't be a bestseller. But in the era of the internet, a miracle is always possible...
Asking the new neighbours over for dinner to get to know them: a risky move that could end up costing more than it’s worth and a perfect opportunity for a poker comedy where every player must eventually show their hand.
That little moment of panic on December 31st, when you realise you have no plans for the evening... You're ready to accept any invitation just to avoid ringing in the New Year alone. Even at the risk of having the worst New Year's Eve of your life.
Following a hearse accident, the arrival in a typical French café of a coffin, which turns out to contain a winning lottery ticket, provides the pretext for a highly spirited comedy.
When you abandoned your fiancée a year ago, just days before the wedding, leaving only a post-it note on the refrigerator as an explanation, you better never come back…
Two tourists arrive at the villa they rented for their holidays in a Maghreb country, which was on special offer after its recent revolution. However, they find the house already occupied by another couple...
Fred and Clara are getting married in just a few hours, but Max and Zoe—on the brink of divorce—are about to turn this joyous occasion into an all-out brawl. When tying the knot, it's best to choose your witnesses wisely…
The cemetery of Beaucon-le-Château is fully occupied. To accommodate new deceased, an extension would be required. However, the owner of the adjacent park stubbornly refuses to give up even the smallest plot. Faced with this urgent situation, the mayor takes a radical step: from now on, dying will be strictly forbidden within the town’s limits, under penalty of prosecution...
« Age doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese » said Kim Kardashian quoting Luis Buñuel. Life is like a cruise on the Titanic: whether you’re nibbling canapes on the top deck or slurping soup in the hold, at the end of the day we’re all destined to feed the fishes. So, as we wait for the inevitable iceberg, those of us who still can, might as well sit back, enjoy the orchestra and the sound of ice clinking in our glasses. A comedy laced with black humour throughout. The first metaphysical sitcom where the action takes place in an assisted living facility.