The Jackpot

The Jackpot Jean-Pierre Martinez


Following a hearse accident, the arrival in a typical French café of a coffin, which turns out to contain a winning lottery ticket, provides the pretext for a highly spirited comedy.

Original title in French : Café des sports

English translation by the author


Cast : from 7 to  10 actors

7 actors : 1M/6W, 2M/5W, 3M/4W, 4M/3W

8 actors : 1M/7W, 2M/6W, 3M/5W, 4M/4W, 5M/3W

9 actors : 2M/7W, 3M/6W, 4M/5W, 5M/4W, 6M/3W

10 actors : 2M/8W, 3M/7W, 4M/6W, 5M/5W, 6M/4W, 7M/3W

A play written in May 2004
A play created at  La Croix-Blanche, the 6th of  November 2004

Spanish translation by the author: Bar Manolo 



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