Is there a pilot in the audience?

Is there a pilot in the audience? by Jean-Pierre Martinez


On a plane, the director of a sensationalist magazine coincidentally meets an embalmer, who claims to have a bombshell news, making her dream of a record-braking circulation. Things get complicated because this encounter takes place on a Paris-Tokyo flight: twelve hours in confinement with no way to communicate with the outside world. Holding a scoop but being unable to publish it… A true Japanese torture! 


Original title in French: Y a-t-il un pilote dans la salle
English translation by the author

Cast : 2 characters (1 man et 1 woman, 2 men or 2 women).

A play written in January 2012
A play created in Buenos Aires (Argentina), the 8th of October 2016

Translation available in Spanish : Zona de turbulencias (translation by the author)
Translation available in Portuguese  : Há um piloto a bordo? (translation by the author)


In France, Spain, Brasil….

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