Crisis and Punishment by Jean-Pierre Martinez

An actor ‘in between jobs’ finds work at a bank on the verge of bankruptcy, only to discover he is to be, quite literally, a scapegoat. But the nightmare is only beginning …
French original title: Crise et châtiment
Translation by Anne-Christine Gasc
Cast: from 4 to 6 characters (males or females)
A play created in June 2012
A play created at Faverolles-sur-Cher, by the Compagnie des Balivernes, the 9th of April 2013
Translation in Spanish: Crisis y Castigo (by the author)
Translation in Portuguese : Crise o Castigo (by the author)
Traduction in Czech by Jaromír Janeček : Krize a trest
Traduction in Bulgarian by Michaëla Katsarova : Криза и наказание
Book published by La Comédiathèque
ISBN 9782377056026/ Janvier 2022
44 pages ; 18 x 12 cm ; paperback.
Price: 12 €
Purchase the book
- Bulgaria (2023-2024)
- Madrid (Spain), musical (directed by Héctor Perpiñá)
- Argentina (2022-2023)
- Second Life (virtual platform performance) on May 20, 2022
- Uruguay (2022)
- Ukraine (2020)
- Honduras (2017)
- Numerous productions in France: Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie Troupe (2019), National School of Chemistry (Montpellier, 2022), Comédie du Sud (L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, 2022), Compagnie Do Ré La Cigale (Pertuis, La Roque d’Anthéron, 2023)…

Press review

“Crisis and Punishment” directed by Teddy Moskov in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.
State Puppet Theater Stara Zagora (Кукления театър в Стара Загора) – created the 12 of July 2023
“Moreover, the plot of the play is so relevant today! Definitely a good script, with seamlessly integrated invisible directorial references to Bulgarian specifics.A French author for a Bulgarian issue “
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Crisis y Castigo par Moral Teatro, septembre 2019, Tomelloso (Espagne)
“Second day of the XXVI Local Exhibition of Tomelloso, with a very good turnout, Moral Teatro staged “Crisis and Punishment” by Jean Pierre Martínez this Saturday. The group, composed exclusively of women, once again chose a humorous play, but this time with a caustic humor and a strong social commentary.”
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