A Hell of a Night by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Sloth, greed, envy, lust, pride, wrath, gluttony…
How can you indulge in all seven deadly sins in a single evening, without ever leaving the comfort of your home, and without risking a one-way ticket to hell?
Original title in French : Une soirée d’enfer
English translation by the author
English translation by the author
Cast : 2 men and 2 women
A play written in January 2011.
A play created in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Mayakovsky Theatre, on October 15, 2016.
Spanish translation : Una noche infernal (translation by the author)
Portuguese translation : Uma noite infernal (translation by the author)
Czech translation : Pekelnej večer (translation by Jaromír Janeček )
Arabic translation : ليلة من جهنم (translation by Manal Youssef)
Sumperk Theater (Czech Republic) in December 2023