Welcome aboard! by Jean-Pierre Martinez

« Age doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese » said Kim Kardashian quoting Luis Buñuel. Life is like a cruise on the Titanic: whether you’re nibbling canapes on the top deck or slurping soup in the hold, at the end of the day we’re all destined to feed the fishes. So, as we wait for the inevitable iceberg, those of us who still can, might as well sit back, enjoy the orchestra and the sound of ice clinking in our glasses. A comedy laced with black humour throughout. The first metaphysical sitcom where the action takes place in an assisted living facility.
French original title: Bienvenue à bord !
English translation: Anne-Christine Gasc
Cast: 8 characters
Most roles in this play are not gender-specific and can be changed to suit the cast.
Possible adaptation for 9 or 10 actors
A play written in February 2012
A play created in Beaucourt, at Foyer Georges Brassens, the 23rd of March 2013
Translation in Spanish : Bienvenidos a bordo (by Jean-Pierre Martinez)
Translation in Portuguese : Bem-vindos a bordo! (by Jean-Pierre Martinez)
Book published by La Comédiathèque
ISBN 9782377058792 / February 2023
60 pages ; 18 x 12 cm ; paperback.
Price: 12 €
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