Music does not always soothe the savage beasts by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Mr. and Mrs. Camembert have just bought the dilapidated castle of Moulinrouge, and they have invited the local high society for a dinner concert. They hope this will gain them admission as members of the town’s highly exclusive Philanthropic Club. But soon, the pianist’s head appears floating in the pool. And to think we’re barely at the appetisers..
French original title : Apéro tragique à beaucon-les-deux-Châteaux
Translation by the author
Cast : from 14 to 17 actors
14 actors: 9M/5F, 8M/6F, 7M/7F, 6M/8F
15 actors: 10M/5F, 9M/6F, 8M/7F, 7M/8F, 6M/9F
16 actors: 11M/5F, 10M/6F, 9M/7F, 8M/8F, 7M/9F
17 actors: 11M/6F, 10M/7F, 9M/8F, 8M/9F, 7M/10F, 6M/11F
A play written in September 2014.
A play created in Flines-lez-Raches, Municipal Works Hall, on June 5, 2015.
Translation in Spanish by Jean-Pierre Martinez : No siempre la música amansa a la fieras…
Translation in Portuguese by Jean-Pierre Martine : Nem sempre a música amansa as feras…