
At least since Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, the social climbing of the newly rich or those aspiring to wealth, the cynicism of the old-money aristocrats seeking to restore their status, and the snobbery of the privileged or those dreaming of joining their ranks have provided material for numerous comedies of manners. However, ambition can be portrayed in various contexts: within the family (climbing the social ladder through a calculated marriage), in business (climbing by crushing colleagues and competitors), or in politics (climbing by deceiving rivals and voters)…

Mr. and Mrs. Camembert have just bought the dilapidated castle of Moulinrouge, and they have invited the local high society for a dinner concert. They hope this will gain them admission as members of the town's highly exclusive Philanthropic Club. But soon, the pianist's head appears floating in the pool. And to think we're barely at the appetisers..

Desperate to regain some of her family’s lost prestige, Baroness Swindlemore von Hustlestein is in search of a rich and easily pleased suitor for her daughter, who isn’t much to look at. She thinks she has found the perfect candidate…

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