Jean-Pierre Martinez
Dramaturge, Playwright, Dramaturgo
Sometimes, it’s easier to make friends than to get rid of them. Vincent and Julia have always gone on holiday with Patrick and Christine. But now they aspire to mix with a more exclusive crowd, one that can help boost their new professional ambitions. In search of an excuse to ditch these friends who have become a burden, they find themselves caught in their own web of lies. It’s not so easy to get rid of your best friends…
Original Title in French : Nos pires amis
Translation by Jean-Pierre Martinez
Cast : 2 women and 2 men
Play published online in November 2015
Play premiered in Freneuse, Salle des fêtes des Ventines, on May 18, 2019
Spanish translation by Jean-Pierre Martinez : Nuestros peores amigos
Portuguese translation by Jean-Pierre Martinez : Os nossos piores amigos
Translation in Czech (NAŠI NEJHORŠÍ PŘÁTELÉ) by Jaromír Janeček available on the DILIA website