Backstage Comedy

Backstage Comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Just before the opening curtain of the premiere, the actors go through one final rehearsal. However, an unforeseen incident jeopardizes the start of the show. 

A cheerful farce about the small world of the theatre…


Original title in French : Revers de décor

Tanslation by the author

Cast : from 10 to 13 
Most roles can be played by male or female performers.
The same actor can play multiple roles (spectators and presidents on one hand, director and author on the other hand, can be portrayed by the same person).


A play written in November  2012.

A play created in Méru (France), the 14th of June 2013. 

Spanish translation by Jean-Pierre Martinez: El reverso del escenario

Portuguese translation by Jean-Pierre Martinez : O reverso do cenário

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